ياترى ماهو #الفساد >>> انتم اعلم.... انتم الكبار عارفين كل حاجة ...حاربوة انتم وحواريكم... #corruption >> @ #anti_corruption ....International Anti-Corruption Day 2017

هو فين ام الفساد ده ..ام الفساد فى اختيار قيادات فاسدة طبقا لهوى المسئول الفاسد وباستخدام القانون وبالاصرار واتباع نظام التكليفات وهذا هو الباب الخلفى للفساد واخطر شىء تبييض السجلات..وعندما تقول له انته مابتشوفش امامك يترك الفساد ويتفنن فى الانتقام منك لأنك تجرأت وابلغت عن فساد او طبقا لمعلوماتك انه فساد....منكم لله حتى الترقيات تضعون فيها من تحبون ويقولك الوظائف العليا اختيارية..اختيارية على مين اختاركم المولى عز وجل للقبر وكمان يضع لك شرط السن امال انته ايه ..وكمان شرط الهيئة يعنى اللى مش مسرح شعرة يركن واللى معندوش عيون دوبلى ورموش جراحة يركن واحلى حاجة عاملين فى كل ادارة وحدة تكافوء الفرص بتاع مين روح يامعلم امسك واحد واحد انته بتخفى المنشورات بتاع التعليمات والترقيات وترميها فى الدرج وترسل اسماء حوارييك ومحبييك ..للأسف ده اسمه تمييع كل شىء حتى نزهق ..نزهق من مين نفسنا طويل وبالصلاة على النبى معلومة صغيرة مافيش حاجه بتستخبى يغور القرد مش عاوزين منك حاجه مصر مليانه خبرات وعقول لسنا فى حاجه لواحد لايرى الا نفسه ومن يوم ماقعد على الكرسى ليس ورائه الا تسفيه غيرة وهو العلامة بحر العلم وترعة المفهومية وهو فيلسوف الحمير مايعرف ان فاضل نعرف بس لون الاندر 

International Anti-Corruption Day 2017

وبهذه المناسبة السعيدة اشمعنا انتم نشوف كمان ام الكذب بتاع الهيئات الدولية 
احنا قلنا قبل كده احنا مصريين ..لانتبع احد ولاننتمى الى احد

Hello global fighters! Next 9 December is International Anti-Corruption Day 2017. Here's a list of global activities to celebrate the day. Find an event near you and celebrate with us! The fight is not over!

📢 IMPORTANT 📢 Don't forget to indicate that you're GOING to this event. The more people join us, regardless the corner of the world they live, the better! Everyone is invited!!

📹 Costa Rica. "Films for Transparency" within Costa Rica film festival. -This year the second edition of FILMS FOR TRANSPARENCY will take place in San Jose, Costa Rica from the 7th to the 10th of December. By showcasing real-life stories through documentaries, a key objective of the festival is to prove that every citizen can step up and fight corruption.
- Where: San Jose, Costa Rica
- More info: http://iaccseries.org/films-for-transparency/costa-rica/
- Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/188719205011995/

💡 France. Digital Award for Transparency (Prix Numérique et Transparence).The Digital Award for Transparency honours individuals and civil society organisations who have developed innovative digital technology tools used to improve governance in Francophone developing countries. The award has three categories: Open Data, Citizen Engagement and Digital Anti-Corruption Tools.
- Where: Paris, France
- Info about the awards: https://www.transparency.org/prix-numerique-et-transparence
- Event registration: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-prix-numerique-et-transparence-39721006600

📹 Guatemala. Our colleagues in Guatemala will be doing a crowdfunding campaign around the "Transparency Tour" or "TOUR DE LA CORRUPCIÓN: UN VIAJE HACIA LA TRANSPARENCIA).
More Info: https://www.generosity.com/education-fundraising/jovenes-viajando-hacia-la-transparencia-us-below

📷 Kosovo. Announcement of winners of the Photo Competition in Prishtina, and the Cartons Competition in Prizren. Both will happen in public areas so you're welcome to join!

📹 Mongolia - free screening of 'Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press' (Netflix). Essay competition for High School and University students.
- Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7axDNVYtP4

📖 Montenegro. Series of events within the Anti-Corruption Week.
When: Thursday, 7 December, 11:30am
When: Friday, 8 December, 11:30am
Where: EU Info Center. 19. Decembra, Podgorica, Montenegro

📹 Portugal. "Transparente" Film Festival. 8-12 December.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5FKXQAVJF8
More info: https://transparencia.pt/transparente/
Where: Lisboa

💪 Sri Lanka. Transparency International Sri Lanka will be celebrating this year's Anti-Corruption Day with a first-of-its-kind online demonstration. Here's how you can join them!
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/259862781207536/
Where: online

💪 South Africa. On Saturday 9 December, Corruption Watch (South Africa national chapter) is hosting a talk-show-style event, #CWLive!, with 702’s Gugulethu Mhlungu as the host.
Time: 10h00 – 12h00
Where: Kippies, 138 Lilian Ngoyi Street, Newtown
More info: www.corruptionwatch.org.za

📖 Zimbabwe. @Transparency International Zimbabwe (TI-Z) commemorates this day in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Anti-corruption Commission in a public dialogue on the role of youth, electoral integrity and transparency of elections. Sounds really interesting!
Facebook Live stream via https://www.facebook.com/tizimbabwe/
When: Fri 8th Dec, 09:00hrs - 12.30hrs

Cannot attend any of them? Don't worry! You can always support us online only by sharing our content, creating awareness, being interested in corruption topics and educating others.

Also, you can consider donating to the global movement:

Thank you very much!


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