
عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر 26, 2017

warum deutschland über qatar verbrechen gegen die menschheit bei der unterstützung von terroristen schweigt

Why is united nations and security council silent about qatar crimes against humanity   ملف قطر الاسود فى دعم وتمويل الارهاب | Qatar’s History of Funding and supporting Terrorism and Extremists Why West turns blind eye on Qatar’s terrorism funding |#Boycottqatar | #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor   the black index of qatar crimes against humanity | الفهرس الأسود لجرائم قطر ضد الانسانية | qatar is the enemy of itself deals policy reveals why the West has adopted The state of negative neutrality against Qatar terrorism funding --- Le Qatar et les Frères musulmans sont l'axe du terrorisme dans la région et dans le monde | Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood are the Axis of terrorism in the region and the world | قطر والإخوان المسلمين هما محور الإرهاب في المنطقة والعالم   --------- Le qatar alimente les terroristes | qatar Fueling terrorist...

भारत वित्त पोषण और समर्थन आतंकवाद के कतार अपराधों के बारे में क्यों चुप है?

Why is united nations and security council silent about qatar crimes against humanity   ملف قطر الاسود فى دعم وتمويل الارهاب | Qatar’s History of Funding and supporting Terrorism and Extremists

Why is united nations and security council silent about qatar crimes against humanity

  deals policy reveals why the West has adopted The state of negative neutrality against Qatar terrorism funding --- Le Qatar et les Frères musulmans sont l'axe du terrorisme dans la région et dans le monde | Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood are the Axis of terrorism in the region and the world | قطر والإخوان المسلمين هما محور الإرهاب في المنطقة والعالم   --------- Le qatar alimente les terroristes | qatar Fueling terrorists | #qatar_terrorism_ATM   ----- l'illusion de combattre le terrorisme pour cacher leur soutien aux groupes terroristes | the illusion of fighting terrorism to hide their support for terrorists groups   ----- Le soutien terroriste au Qatar déclenche une réaction contre toutes les nations |"Scandales du Qatar" قطر تكره البشرية بسبب فضائحها الجنسية |Scandals of Qatar   --------   ------ Le Qatar est un terrorisme qui marche sur ses deux pieds | قطر هى الارهاب يمشى على قدمين | Qatar is terroris...