Wednesday, September 27, 2017

#محاكمة_قطر | the global campaign to bring Qatar to trial in the International War Crimes Tribunal | #qatar_trial | #war_crimes |#قطر_تنتهك_الانسانيه | #QATAR_AGAINST_HUMANITY

the black index of qatar crimes against humanity | الفهرس الأسود لجرائم قطر ضد الانسانية | qatar is the enemy of itself

Qatar makes things difficult for itself  

قطر: الكتاب الأسود | Qatar: The Black Book| #فضائح_قطر|#قطر_تنتهك_الانسانيه | #QATAR_AGAINST_HUMANITY |- #انقلاب_قطر #qatar_coup #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل | #ارحل_ياتميم | #ارحل_ياخاين 


global campaign against qatar's financing of terrorism |#قطر_تنتهك_الانسانيه | #QATAR_AGAINST_HUMANITY |- #انقلاب_قطر #qatar_coup #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل | #ارحل_ياتميم | #ارحل_ياخاين 


public campaign against qatar terror fund and support |#قطر_تنتهك_الانسانيه | #QATAR_AGAINST_HUMANITY |- #انقلاب_قطر #qatar_coup #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل | #ارحل_ياتميم | #ارحل_ياخاين 


Who and how the world will stop Qatar's dangerous policies and its Intervention in other States Affairs 


why intelligence agencies set silent about qatar expenditure on terrorism funding |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل #ارحل_ياتميم #ارحل_ياخاين  


Qatar's Dangerous Policies...Money and Terror support_BLACK HISTORY OF QATAR IN SUPPORT OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD 


The shameful silence of the world in the record of Qatar crimes against humanity - صمت العالم المخجل فى سجل جرائم قطر ضد الانسانية- #انقلاب_قطر #qatar_coup #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل #ارحل_ياتميم #ارحل_ياخاين  


#UN - #Terrorism - paralyzed actions in your silence against why qatar is polluting the humanity history 


Arab uprising against qatar financing of terrorism | انتفاضة عربية ضد تمويل قطر للإرهاب |لاتهاون فى دماء المصريين | #قطر_بئر_الخيانة | #انقلاب_قطر #qatar_coup #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل #ارحل_ياتميم  


qatar connections with terrorism - mafia - drugs - trafficking | #قطر_بئر_الخيانة | #انقلاب_قطر #qatar_coup #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل #ارحل_ياتميم  


Qatar's relationship with the international mafia | علاثة قطر مع المافيا العالمية | #انقلاب_قطر #qatar_coup #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل #ارحل_ياتميم #ارحل_ياخاين 


Sheikha Mozah narrow Hot neighborhood | حارة الشيخة موزة الضيقة - #انقلاب_قطر #qatar_coup #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل #ارحل_ياتميم #ارحل_ياخاين



#qatar_against_humanity -#UN - قطر اداة ضد الانسانية - #فضائح_قطر-#فضائح_قطر |#qatar_turmoi# qatar_Scandals | #ارحل |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism | #مصر  


qatar secret index of cooperation with terrorists and drug trafficking cartels-#qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism|#Qatar_drug_dealer | #drugs | #cartel  


فهمها العرب والعجم ولم يفهمها البجم ( ابن موزة ) عربى واسمه ابن موزة جعل ظهرة مطية ضد العرب 



حكومة قطر - دعم الاٍرهاب وغسيل الأموال وتجارة المخدرات وتبني الاخوان مطايا اليهود-qatar and drugs trafficking - #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism|#Qatar_drug_dealer | #drugs | #cartel 

Relation du Qatar avec les cartels de la drogue | Qatar's relationship with drug cartels | علاقة قطر بكارتل المخدرات | #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism|#Qatar_drug_dealer | #drugs | #cartel 

Le scénario prévu pour le coup d'Etat du Qatar| السيناريو المتوقع لانقلاب قطر | The expected scenario for the coup of Qatar #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism 

كيف الطرابيش فى قطر - #فضائح_قطر #ام_الفضائح| #فضيحة_تميم | #فضيجة_قطر |#qatar_Scandals| #ارحل |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism 

اسمع وشوف -#فضائح_قطر |#ام_الفضائح | #فضيحة_تميم | #فضيجة_قطر |#qatar_Scandals | #ارحل |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism | #مصر  

Negatives prince | الامير النيجاتيف #ارحل |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism | #مصر

QATAR SUPPORTING AND FINANCING TERRORISM EVIDENCES |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism 

ياعديم الشرف كله ماتفعلة بسبب كشف فضائحكم كلكم وتريدون التغطية عليها امام العرب حيث تعتبر تلك الفضائح بالنسبة للغرب انك واد قلبك اخضر وورور انته ومن ورائك

prosecuting Qatar for terrorism support | Qatar must end terrorism funding #Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism |#Cherchez_de_femme


endless Tamim of Qatar Scandals | فضائح تميم امير قطر التى لاتنتهى | #فضائح_قطر | #ارحل_ياتميم | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism 


Qatar de l'argent finance le terrorisme - Qatar's money funds terrorism - |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب

Primary Facts reveal why The West Turn Blind Eye Towards Qatar's Funding and supporting Terrorists groups |#Boycottqatar | #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor  


Double Face Policy - Stop co-operating with terrorism funder #Qatar- #Boycottqatar - #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor 


كله من الوليه ام عراقيب دى واحنا مالنا بس كيد نسوان والواد ابن موزة 

ملف قطر الاسود فى دعم وتمويل الارهاب | Qatar’s History of Funding and supportin Terrorism and Extremists 

لازم حكام الدويلة قطر يدفعوا التمن


Le scénario prévu pour le coup d'Etat du Qatar| السيناريو المتوقع لانقلاب قطر | The expected scenario for the coup of Qatar #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism 


اسمع وشوف -#فضائح_قطر |#ام_الفضائح | #فضيحة_تميم | #فضيجة_قطر |#qatar_Scandals | #ارحل |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism | #مصر


QATAR SUPPORTING AND FINANCING TERRORISM EVIDENCES |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism

الامير النيجاتيف


ناقوس خطر الى كل الدول العربية!! احذروا قطر واهه امامكم-- #منظمه_هيومن_رايتس_المشبوهه |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب


بيان من الشيخ سلطان بن سحيم آل ثاني إلى الشعب القطري |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب


قطر - #qatar - @qatar - Dangerous Alliance - black history |Alliance dangereuse - histoire noire - |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب

Exposing Qatar and those helping to increase the dilemma |#Boycottqatar | #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor  

The West helps Qatar finance and support terrorism |الغرب يساعد قطر فى تمويل ودعم الارهاب|#Boycottqatar | #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor  

Primary Facts reveal why The West Turn Blind Eye Towards Qatar's Funding and supporting Terrorists groups |#Boycottqatar | #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor


جولة "الاستجداء" القطرية | Qatar's "begging" tour |#Boycottqatar | #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor  

Why West turns blind eye on Qatar’s terrorism funding |#Boycottqatar | #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor


Double Face Policy - Stop co-operating with terrorism funder #Qatar- #Boycottqatar - #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor

 حمد بن جاسم بن جبر - خائن العرب _ #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor


The hunt for Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr al-Thani | حمد بن جاسم بن جبر آل ثاني | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين


فضائح حمد بن جاسم بن جبر ( خائن العرب ) | Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Scandals (the Arabs' traitor ) | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين

The Snakehead - the Qatari spy - Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani - the chairman of the board of Qatar's Al-Jazeera channel and the former prime minister and foreign minister of Qatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين


#جرائم_قطر_فى_مصر _ #QATAR_CRIMES_IN_EGYPT + #مصر + #ارحل_ياتميم | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism



#qatar_corruption | #الفساد_القطرى | بمبى |#qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين


جرائم قطر للتغطية على فضائح موزة وابنها + #Qatar_Crimes +#ارحل_ياتميم | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism  


endless Tamim of Qatar Scandals | فضائح تميم امير قطر التى لاتنتهى | #فضائح_قطر | #ارحل_ياتميم | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism

#برلين_ترفض_زيارة_تميم | #باريس_ترفض_زيارة_تميم | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين

العالم دى فاسدة حتى النخاع ..اخلاقيا وثقافيا وعرقيا وكل شىء وحتى قبليا
والعالم ساكت عليهم وعمالين ينهبوهم ويستغفلوهم ياللعار 
ادخل وشوف الاهبل ابن الاهبل هو وامه وعمه
ادفنوة جنب العاهرات اللى رايح يرتمى باحضان الغرب كم عليك انته وامك وعمك وابوك من دم
خليهم يقفوا جنبك امام ربنا يوم القيامة يأهبل ...انته وربعك

ملف قطر الرياضى الأسود | Corruption in the World Cup 2022 | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين

Primary Facts reveal why The West Turn Blind Eye Towards Qatar's Funding and supporting Terrorists groups |#Boycottqatar | #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor


فضائح العائلة القطرية الملكية سبب مصائب قطر | The scandals of the Qatari royal family caused the calamities of Qatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism


قطر واموالها لعبة فى يد شركات المرتزقة | Qatar and its funds a game in the hands of mercenary companies| #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism


 مؤتمر قطر في منظور الامن والاستقرار الدولي | qatar global security and stability conference | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب


#مؤتمر_المعارضة_القطرية |#مؤتمر_أحرار_قطر_في_لندن | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism | #قطر_في_منظور_الأمن_والاستقرار_الدولي


ملف قطر الاسود فى دعم الارهاب | Qatar’s History of Funding Terrorism and Extremists

ملف قطر الاسود فى دعم الارهاب | Qatar’s History of Funding Terrorism and Extremists

الدور القطرى فى زعزعة الاستقرار ودعم الارهاب فى المنطقة العربية ومصر >#قطر>>The role of qatar in destabilizing and supporting terrorism in the Arab region and Egypt 



علاقة #الإخوان_المسلمين مع #قطر |The Muslim Brotherhood's relationship with Qatar |#qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |@Qatarism 


Programme announced for Qatar: Global Security & Stability conference | قطر فى منظور الأمن والاستقرار الدولى |#qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب 


The 20 million $ Plan to destabilize Egypt | خطة ال 20 مليون دولار لزعزعة استقرار #مصر | #الاخوان_المسلمين |#qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب 


دور موزة المسند فى رسم السياسة الخارجية لقطر | #العهدة_على_الراوى |#قطر |#qatar |The role of Mozah Al-Musnad in Qatar's foreign policy|#terrorism|#Cherchez_de_femme 


التمسو لقطر العذر | صحيح اهبل ابن هبلة واهبل |#qatar | #قطر |#Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #Terrorism (موقعة جامعة الدول العربية ) 


شحلطة #قطر فى #الجامعة_العربية ..ياشماته ابله ظاظا فيكم #Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism  


مراكز ومنظمات تمولها قطر لإثارة الفوضى بالدول العربية | Centers and organizations funded by Qatar to provoke chaos in Arab countries |#Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism  


كيف مولت قطر غزوة منهاتن (11/9) | How Qatar funded the Battle of Manhattan (11/9) |هجمات 11 سبتمبر |The September 11 attacks |#Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism  




prosecuting Qatar for terrorism support | Qatar must end terrorism funding #Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism |#Cherchez_de_femme 


#Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism |#Cherchez_de_femme 


من يمول #الارهاب #اقتصاد_روتشيلد ام #قطر ام كلاهما وجهان لعملة واحدة | #Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism  


the misleading reports of intelligence agencies show the hidden link between ISIS and qatar | #Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism  



#داعش_تناصر_قطر | ISIS consolidates with | #Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism


TRUTH | #عزمي_بشاره_يسحب_جوال_امير_قطر | #Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism  


Human Rights Watch and Aljazeera coaltion | تحالف هيومن رايتس ووتش والجزيرة | #Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism  


the academic recruitment Team working for Qatar and under the supervision of the qatari state security service | فريق #التجنيد_الأكاديمي الذي يعمل لصالح #قطر وتحت إشراف #جهاز_أمن_الدولة_القطري|#Terrorism | #Qatarism




The Muslim Brotherhood's history of conspiracies against the peoples of the world is a hindrance to the progress and continuity of mankind and is supported by puny states |الاخوان المسلمين تاريخ من المؤامرات ضد شعوب العالم عائق امام تقدم وتواصل البشرية ويساندها الدول ذات الفكر المريض  


Civil disobedience in Qatar + rebellion in the Qatari army (العصيان المدنى +تمرد فى الجيش القطرى)+qatar turmoil 


#تنظيم_الحمدين |الكتاب الأسود لـ"حمد بن جاسم.. ثروات طائلة من جيوب القطريين|The Black Book of Hamad Bin Jassim is a huge wealth from Qataris' pockets|| #Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism 





qatar terrorists groups sanctuary | #Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism 


terrorists fun day | #Qatarism|#Qatar_terrorism_ATM| #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #Terrorism 


Egypt reveals Qatar plot in Chad | #مصر تكشف مؤامرة #قطر في #التشاد | #qatar_sponsors_terrorism| #anti_terrorism|#Terrorism | #Qatarism|#Counter_intelligence | #counter_terrorism  


Qatar is a terrorist ATM | Qatar whitewashing of terrorist organizations |#Terrorism | #Qatarism|| how Mercenary companies nailed in qatar terrorism 


#qatar_sponsors_terrorism|#قطر_تدعم_الارهاب| #anti_terrorism|#Terrorism | #Qatarism|#Counter_intelligence | #counter_terrorism  


الإخوان صنيعة(MI6) المخابرات البريطانية |Muslim Brotherhood British intelligence industry | #anti_terrorism|#Terrorism | #Qatarism|#Counter_intelligence | #counter_terrorism  



who backs qatar to finance terrorism | #anti_terrorism|#Terrorism | #Qatarism|#Counter_intelligence | #counter_terrorism | #hamadaen_terrorism_organisation | #hamadaen_organisation

Trump points finger at Qatar over terror financing 



who is exploiting qatar political adolescence in funding global terrorism | #anti_terrorism|#Terrorism | #Qatarism|#Counter_intelligence | #counter_terrorism | #hamadaen_terrorism_organisation | #hamadaen_organisation  



Why #Qatar Support Terrorism In #Egypt | #Terrorism | #Qatarism...#Qatar_Terror | #Qatar_Funds_Terror 



#Hamdeen_Organization_Mafia and Exposing #Qatar_terrorism_in_Egypt|مافيا #تنظيم_الحمدين و فضح #الارهاب_القطري_في_مصر |#Terrorism | #Qatarism...#Qatar_Terror | #Qatar_Funds_Terror  




Money in, money out — the political double-dealing of Qatar — helping Qatar involvement in Sheltering and Funding Terrorists -- #Terrorism | #Qatarism...#Qatar_Terror | #Qatar_Funds_Terror 


Why The World is silent Against Qatar involvement in Sheltering and Funding Terrorists #Terrorism | #Qatarism...#Qatar_Terror | #Qatar_Funds_Terror



Facts and figures about Qatar and its involvement in supporting terrorism in the Arab world #Terrorism | #Qatarism...#Qatar_Terror | #Qatar_Funds_Terror 


The World Demands Trial Against Qatar| #Terrorism | #Qatarism...#Qatar_Terror | #Qatar_Funds_Terror 


Qatar Supported and Financed International Terrorism Groups | #Terrorism | #Qatarism 


#Terrorism | #Qatarism|#جرائم_قطر_في_مصرر | Crimes of Qatar in Egypt 




#Terrorism | #Qatarism|حقائق تتكشف..من المستفيد عالميا من المراهقة السياسية فى قطر فى دعم الارهاب | Facts Revealed .. Who benefits globally from political adolescence in Qatar in terrorism support  


Qatar Schema to overthrow the regimes in the Arab countries| مخطط ⁧‫قطر‬⁩ لقلب أنظمة الحكم في الدول العربية | #أكاديمية_التغيير | #اكاديمية_التدمير | #القائمة_السوداء | #black_list |#Qatar |#Terrorism | #Qatarism| #قطر_تدِعم_الأرهِاب | #قطر_تمول_الإرهاب | #قطر 


#القائمة_السوداء | #black_list |#Qatar |#Terrorism | #Qatarism| #قطر_تدِعم_الأرهِاب | #قطر_تمول_الإرهاب | #قطر _ من يمول الارهاب حول العالم 


#القائمة_السوداء | #black_list |#Qatar |#Terrorism | #Qatarism| #قطر | Barcelona terrorist attack | هجوم برشلونة الإرهابي 


The nine new entities added to terrorist lists | الكيانات التسعة الجديدة المضافة على قوائم الارهاب | #Qatar |#Terrorism | #Qatarism| #قطر 


Qatar has supported and sheltered extremists | #Qatar |#Terrorism | #Qatarism 




الملفات القطرية لدعم الإرهاب| Qatar's Supporting Terrorism Files | #Qatar |#Terrorism | #Qatarism 


اعترافات عضو سابق بتنظيم الإخوان السري الإماراتي المدعوم من قطر | #Qatar |#Terrorism | #Qatarism 


سبب بلاوى #قطر | Cherchez des femmes | مدبر المؤامرات في القصر القطري | The mastermind of plots in the Qatari palace | #Qatar |#Terrorism | #Qatarism  




#Qatar's #Terrorism Supporting Operations in Egypt | #Qatarism | #قطر | #Qatar_Turmoil |entities Qatar use to ignite terrorism 


terrorism,Qatar, Qatarism, الاخوان المسلمين, الارهاب, الفساد فى قطر, تميم, قطر,qatar turmoil 



#Qatarism: A Documentary Film Exposing #Qatar's Funding of Terrorism



#Qatar: the most corrupt in the world of sports #Qatarism | الفساد فى قطر للركب 


Qatar does not deserve to host the World Cup. _ قطر لاتستحق استضافة كأس العالم. _ Katar verdient es nicht, die WM zu veranstalten. 


Evidences of Qatar Support Terrorism | أدلة الدعم القطري للإرهاب | How #Qatar participated in #terrorism | #قطر_تدعم_الإرهاب | # Qatar_support_terrorism




قطر: الكتاب الأسود | Qatar: The Black Book| #فضائح_قطر|#قطر_تنتهك_الانسانيه | #QATAR_AGAINST_HUMANITY |- #انقلاب_قطر #qatar_coup #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل | #ارحل_ياتميم | #ارحل_ياخاين

قطر: الكتاب الأسود| "الحمدين".. بارانويا العظمة والثالوث المقدس (1)


قطر: الكتاب الأسود| تكرار السيناريو الليبي في سوريا.. وأكذوبة "الحصار" (2)


قطر: الكتاب الأسود| هكذا دعمت "خلية الدوحة" الإرهاب   لوجستياً وإعلامياً وعسكرياً (4) 


قطر: الكتاب الأسود| أعضاء "خلية الدوحة".. دعم الإرهاب من سوريا إلى تركيا إلى إيران (5)


قطر: الكتاب الأسود| كيف موّلت المخابرات القطرية داعش والنصرة بمئات ملايين الدولارات؟ (6)



Egypt's intelligence agency compiles "black book" against Doha

Anti-Qatar quartet report builds case against Doha


قطر: الكتاب الأسود "خلية الدوحة".. كيف تأسست؟ ومن هم أبرز أعضائها؟


عجز تنظيم الإخوان الإرهابي عن حكم مصر أنهى فرصه في الحكم... إلى الأبد (6)


هكذا خطف الإخوان المسلمون الربيع العربي (2)


إسبانيا: هكذا تشتري الشيكات القطرية الضخمة بعض "شرف" وسُمعة 



الليبي عبد الباسط إقطيط.. رجل قطر الإخواني الجديد وصهر برونفمان الصهيوني 



"قطر حقائق ممنوعة".. كتاب جديد يتحدث عن "إمارة على وشك الانهيار"



"قطر: حلف خطير".. الدوحة تؤمّن العملات الصعبة لإيران



"قطر: حلف خطير".. الدوحة تتحالف مع الأمريكيين وتدعم قاتليهم


"قطر: الكتاب الأسود".. 122 دبلوماسيا لحمل حقائب دعم الإرهاب وفضيحة مخابرات الدوحة  




من خالد شيخ محمد إلى الإخوان.. خبير أمريكى يرصد "كتاب قطر الأسود" فى دعم الإرهاب.. لوك كوفى: سجل الدوحة فى تمويل الفوضى فى الشرق الأوسط طويل .. وعلى العرب الاتحاد فى مواجهة دور إيران فى الأزمة


"الحصاد الأسود" يكشف تحالف قطر والمخابرات الغربية لإسقاط مصر


كتاب يفضح تحالف قطر وأجهزة المخابرات الغربية لوصول الإخوان للحكم بمصر 


ملف قطر الاسود فى دعم وتمويل الارهاب | Qatar’s History of Funding and supporting Terrorism and Extremists




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global campaign against qatar's financing of terrorism |#قطر_تنتهك_الانسانيه | #QATAR_AGAINST_HUMANITY |- #انقلاب_قطر #qatar_coup #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل | #ارحل_ياتميم | #ارحل_ياخاين

public campaign against qatar terror fund and support |#قطر_تنتهك_الانسانيه | #QATAR_AGAINST_HUMANITY |- #انقلاب_قطر #qatar_coup #qatar_turmoil |#Boycottqatar | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب | #qatarism #ارحل | #ارحل_ياتميم | #ارحل_ياخاين

هى دى قطر
Articles In Egypt: Turkey, Qatar Fund Terror, Are Responsible For Bloodshed In Arab World

Qatar:  Terror Financing and Support of Terrorist Groups.   January 13, 2017

B.       The United Nations Sanctions List—Qatar.

I.                    The following list concerns Qatari facilitators of terror funding of Daesh/ISIL, Al Nusrah Front and Al Qaida in Iraq (AQI). It was obtained from The United Nations Security Council List of Designated Individuals”, updated June 13, 2017.  Some of the details pertaining to the individuals below have been edited for clarity, highlighting only Qatar national identity and/or residence, and terror-financing activity.

1.      Abdl Malik Muhammad Yusuf Uthman abd al Salam, national identification: Qatar; National identification no: Qatar 28940000602, issued in Qatar. Facilitator who provides financial, material, and technological support for Al-Qaida. On INTERPOL Special Notice. (

2.      Ashraf Muhammad Yusif Uthman abd al Salam. National identification no: Qatar 28440000526, issued in Qatar. A member of Al-Qaida as of 2012 and a fighter in the Syrian Arab Republic since early 2014. Provided financial, material, and technological support for AlQaida, Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant and Al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI). On INTERPOL Special Notice.

II.                  The following listconcerns terrorist funding of Al Qaeda and the Taliban was obtained from: The United Nations Security Council “Reports from Member States Pursuant to Paragraph 6 of Resolution 1455, adopted on January 17, 2003:

1.       Sa'd bin Sa'd Muhammad Shariyan al-Ka'bi was listed on September 21, 2015 pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 4 ofresolution 2161 (2014) as being associated with Al-Qaida for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing, or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf of, or in support of” Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant.

2.       Abd al-Latif bin Abdallah Salih Muhammad al-Kawari was listed on September 21, 2015 pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 4 of resolution 2161 (2014) as being associated with Al-Qaida for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing, or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf of, or in support of” Al-Qaida.

3.       'Abd al-Malik Muhammad Yusuf 'Uthman 'Abd al-Salam was listed on January 23, 2015pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 4 of resolution 2161 (2014) as being associated with Al-Qaida for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing, or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf of, or in support of”, “supplying, selling or transferring arms and related materiel to”, “recruiting for” or “otherwise supporting acts or activities of” Al-Qaida (QDe.004) and Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant

4.       Khalifa Muhammad Turki al-Subaiy was listed on October 10, 2008 pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of resolution 1822 (2008) as being associated with Al-Qaida (QDe.004) for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf or in support of”, “recruiting for” and “otherwise supporting the acts or activities of” Al-Qaida and its senior leadership.

C.      U.S. Department of State

1.      “Overall, Qatar’s security services workforce was reliant on manpower from third countries to fill rank-and-file law enforcement positions. This limitation applies across the board with all Qatari government institutions (except for the Qatar State Security and elite units of the Ministry of Interior’s internal security force), and is commensurate with the demographics of the nation. Lack of capacity and to some extent the lack of advanced training of non-Qataris contributed to a lack of effectiveness in basic police operations”. “Qatar”: U.S. Department of State Country Reports on Terrorism, 2015.  [The year 2015 is the latest edition available for this report].

2.      Despite [counterterrorism efforts], entities and individuals within Qatar continue to serve as a source of financial support for terrorist and violent extremist groups, particularly regional al-Qa’ida affiliates such as the Nusrah Front. Qatar has made efforts to prosecute significant terrorist financiers.” – “Qatar”: U.S. Department of State Country Reports on Terrorism, 2015.

D.     Think Tank Studies and Journals: Qatar and Terror-Financing; Qatar and Support for Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood.

“Qatar is unquestionably engaged in international terrorist financing. According to the U.S. Treasury’s division for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, “Qatar, a longtime U.S. ally, has for many years openly financed Hamas.”From: The Institute for Contemporary AffairsFounded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation.  September 23, 2014.

This report continues:

·         Qatar aids Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Jabhat al Nusra, al-Qaeda affiliates, Libyan Islamists, and even ISIS.

·         The key Qatari link to the Muslim Brotherhood has been Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who broadcasts on Qatar’s al Jazeera. In 2002, his foundation was designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. government.

·         Through the Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar has attempted to undermine Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

·         Qatar is also active in North Africa. The French press carried repeated reports that Qatar was financing jihadist elements in Northern Mali, including MUJAO (the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa), Ansar Dine (affiliated with al-Qaeda), and even secularist Tuareg separatists belonging to the MNLA (National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad). There were also reports quoting the French Directorate of Intelligence (DRM) claiming that Qatar was financing AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb). Prior to the French intervention in Mali, its northern region was emerging as an African Afghanistan. Notably, the Qatari Red Crescent was the only humanitarian organization operating in Northern Mali after the Islamist takeover.

·         Qatar also has extensive ties to Islamist elements fighting in Libya since Qaddafi’s overthrow.6Sheikh Ali al-Salabi was a Libyan Islamist with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood who took refuge in Qatar in 1999 but later returned to Libya, where he served as a conduit for Qatari-supplied arms to Islamist forces.   Indeed, after Qaddafi’s fall, Libya’s transitional prime minister, Mahmoud Jibril, complained that Qatar was still arming extremist groups in Libya opposed to his leadership.

·         The most important Islamist connection for Qatar is the Muslim Brotherhood. Qatar has not only backed its Middle Eastern activities, but it has also emerged as one of the largest institutional funders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe.8 Qatar has been accused of supporting a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist cell that was discovered in the UAE in 2012.

·         The key player in the Qatari link to the Muslim Brotherhood has been Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. In 1961, he was sent by al-Azhar University in Egypt to head its Qatari branch. Since that time, he has emerged as a most important spiritual authority in the international Muslim Brotherhood movement. He also became the supreme religious authority for the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch, Hamas. Through his fatwas, which were featured on Hamas’ website, he supported Hamas suicide bombing attacks against Israeli civilians; he also supported suicide attacks against US forces in Iraq. He established a global charity, known as the Union of Good, which served as a conduit for Hamas financing.

From: The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies: “Qatar and Terror Finance”, January 18, 2017. The following is from the Introduction to this report, available at:
It is particularly vital to evaluate Qatar’s record on terror finance in light of the Nusra Front’s July 2016 decision to rebrand itself as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (JFS), which purports to have “no relationship with any foreign party.
According to sources cited by Reuters, Qatar led an effort starting in 2015 to bolster the Syrian opposition by persuading Nusra to distance itself from al-Qaeda.”
Reuters reported that intelligence officials from Qatar and other Gulf states met several times with Nusra’s leader around this period to suggest that his group could receive money, arms, and supplies after stepping away from al-Qaeda.
Yet the more JFS legitimates itself by integrating into the broader Syrian opposition, the greater the risk of a permanent al-Qaeda army on Europe’s doorstep. This report is Part Two of a three-part series on Qatar’s record dealing with terrorist finance and its practitioners. Part One outlined Doha’s dismal record at punishing funders of terror throughout Emir Hamad’s reign.
This document evaluates the publicly available evidence on Qatar’s record since then, focusing primarily on individuals sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department in 2014 and 2015. All of these sanctions were imposed after Qatar agreed in September 2014, as part of a U.S.-led initiative called the Jeddah Communiqué, to bring terror financiers to justice. The cases should therefore be seen as a measuring stick for recent Qatari conduct.”   See:

Elizabeth Dickerson, Foreign Policy Magazine  “The Case Against Qatar”, September 30, 2014.
“On one hand, Washington hasn’t shied away from calling on Doha’s connections when it needs them. But that same Qatari network has also played a major role in destabilizing nearly every trouble spot in the region and in accelerating the growth of radical and jihadi factions. The results have ranged from bad to catastrophic in the countries that are the beneficiaries of Qatari aid: Libya is mired in a war between proxy-funded militias, Syria’s opposition has been overwhelmed by infightingand overtaken by extremists, and Hamas’s intransigence has arguably helped prolong the Gaza Strip’s humanitarian plight.
For years, U.S. officials have been willing to shrug off Doha’s proxy network — or even take advantage of it from time to time. Qatar’s neighbors, however, have not.

Over the past year, fellow Gulf countries Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain have publicly rebuked Qatar for its support of political Islamists across the region. These countries have threatened to close land borders or suspend Qatar’s membership in the regional Gulf Cooperation Council unless the country backs down. After nearly a year of pressure, the firstAfter nearly a year of pressure, the first sign of a Qatari concession came on Sept. 13, [2014] when seven senior Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood figures left Doha at the request of the Doha government. “

William McCants, “Islamist Outlaws: Saudi Arabia Takes on the Brotherhood”. Foreign Affairs, The Council on Foreign Relations, March 2014
This article stresses the terrorist threat that the Muslim Brotherhood, supported by Qatar, poses upon Saudi Arabia—and has for decades
On March 7, Saudi Arabia took the extraordinary step of declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, on par with Hezbollah and al Qaeda. The move came just two days after the kingdom, together with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, withdrew its ambassador from Qatar because of Qatar’s alleged support of Brotherhood interference in internal politics. Although Saudi Arabia’s dislike of Brotherhood political activities abroad is well known, for decades the kingdom has tolerated (and sometimes even worked with) the local Saudi branch of the Brotherhood. Its sudden reversal is an expression of solidarity with its politically vulnerable allies in the region and a warning to Sunni Islamists within its borders to tr]ad carefully” [...]
Saudi Arabia’s moves have provoked some unhappiness at home. Saudi Islamists, particularly the Brothers, are convinced that Morsi’s overthrow was part of a Saudi plot to roll back Islamist political gains of the past three years. In defiance, they festooned their social media profiles with symbols of Brotherhood resistance and criticized their government for its complicity. The defiance has become more muted recently, after the local press reported that the government was contemplating declaring the Brotherhood a terrorist organization. According to former members of the Saudi Muslim Brotherhood I spoke with, the 25,000 or so members of the Brotherhood in Saudi Arabia reacted to the news of the deliberations by preemptively keeping a low profile, closing some of its gatherings so as not to further stoke the government’s ire. Until the Saudi government actually begins making arrests, its recent announcement is more of a shot across the Brotherhood’s bow than an attempt to sink the ship.”
Nevertheless, person after person I interviewed asserted that the level of Islamist anger toward the Saudi government is higher than at any time since the early 1990s” […]

E.      International Criticism:  The United Kingdom, Germany, the European Union

1.        On October 25, 2014, The Daily Telegraph(UK) reported that former Prime Minister David Cameron had strong concerns about terror-financing in Qatar, a subject he brought up with the state visit of former Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani.   The headline of the article read:  “David Cameron Urged to Press Emir of Qatar on Terror Funds”, adding: “The Emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, will arrive in Britain amid a growing furor over his country’s alleged links to the financing of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Al Qaeda”.

The newspaper article continues:
It is understood that the Emir will also meet with Sir John Sawers, the head of MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service. Critics of Qatar will want that meeting to focus on why the state has not done more to stop the fund-raisers operating from its capital Doha.”
“The negotiations follow warnings from the Obama administration last week that Qatar and Kuwait remain fertile grounds for terrorist funders. David Cohen, the US official in charge of terrorism and financial intelligence, said the two states were "permissive jurisdictions for terrorist financing"[…]
“Stephen Barclay, the Tory MP for North-East Cambridgeshire, who has repeatedly called for transparency in Britain’s dealings with Qatar and other Gulf states, said it was "essential" for Mr Cameron to raise the issue of terror financing with the Emir.” […]
“[Barclay stated]: “There is clear evidence that Qatari nationals have been instrumental in the financing of Sunni terror groups and the Prime Minister should not avoid tackling this issue head on with the Emir."
Douglas Alexander, Labour’s shadow foreign secretary, said wealthy Qataris and Kuwaitis had channelled millions of dollars to terrorists and accused the countries of having "weak money-laundering" laws […]”.


The same newspaper also reported in November 2014 on terrorist financiers “living without impunity” in Qatar despite being on U.S. Department of the Treasury and United Nations designated persons/sanctions lists.  (“Terror Financiers Are Living Freely in Qatar, U.S. Discloses”, The Daily Telegraph (UK), November 16, 2014)
2.      Two of al-Qaeda’s most senior financiers are living with impunity in Qatar despite being on a worldwide terrorism blacklist, [an] American official in charge of sanctions has disclosed. The two Qataris —Khalifa Muhammad Turki al Subaiy and Abd al-Rahman bin Umayr al-Nuaymi--are living in Doha, the country’s capital, and are free to go as they please, according to David Cohen, the US Treasury under-secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence.
Mr Cohen has accused Qatar and its near neighbour Kuwait of being “permissive jurisdictions for terrorist financing” but until now the fate of a number of money men — identified as Specially Designated Global Terrorists by the US government — has not been known.
Qatar has refused to say what has happened to al-Subaiy, al-Nuaymi and others on US and United Nations terrorism sanctions lists.
The Telegraph has asked over a number of weeks about the status of the men and Qatar has refused to answer.
But during a question and answer session following a keynote speech in Washington, a transcript of which has been obtained by The Telegraph, Mr Cohen said: “There are US- and UN-designated terrorist financiers in Qatar that have not been acted against under Qatari law. There’s Khalifa al-Subaiy — and more recently, Abd al-Nuaymi, who we designated last December, the UN designated in August.” Mr Cohen added that both men were residents in Qatar.
Al-Subaiy, 49, a former Qatari Central Bank employee, was blacklisted as a terrorist fundraiser as long ago as 2008 but still appears to be heavily involved in a jihadist network. According to the official American report, al-Subaiy was identified as “a Qatar-based terrorist financier and facilitator who has provided financial support to, and acted on behalf of, al-Qaeda senior leadership, including senior al-Qaeda leader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) prior to KSM’s capture in March 2003”.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has been named as the “principal architect of the 9/11 attacks” and is being held in Guantánamo Bay
Al-Nuaymi, a former president of the Qatar Football Association, is accused of being one of the world’s most prolific terrorist fundraisers, accused of sending more than £1.25million a month to al-Qaeda jihadists in Iraq and hundreds of thousands of pounds to Syria. He was designated a terrorist in the US last December and added to a British sanctions list only in October this year.
It is alleged that both men’s links to senior figures in Qatar has helped keep them out of jail in recent years and off Qatar’s own terrorist sanctions list. The country introduced a designated terrorist list but to date not a single individual has been put on it.

F.         Conclusion: General Overview Statements on Qatar.
From:Qatar: Governance, Security and U.S. Policy; Kenneth Katzman, Specialist Middle Eastern Affairs, June 9, 2017.
“Qatar’s policies – particularly its support for regional Muslim Brotherhood organizations as a positive example of “political Islam” - continue to plague relations between Qatar and some other GCC members. Saudi Arabia and the UAE assert that the Brotherhood is a threat to regional and domestic security and have taken generally opposed engaging Iran diplomatically.” (Intro)
“[R]adical Islamist organizations profess ideologies that are attractive to some Qatari citizens, and there have been repeated accusations by international observers that wealthy Qataris have contributed funds and services to these groups. Members of Congress generally have taken into account these and all the other aspects of Qatar’s policies in consideration of U.S. arms sales to Qatar.”  (Intro)
“[S]ome groups that the United States considers as terrorist organizations - such as Hamas - are considered by Qatar to be legitimate Arab movements pursuing goals with which Qatari officials and citizens often agree” (p. 16)
“Some experts have noted that the government has violated a pledge to the United States not to allow Qatari preachers to conduct what some consider religious incitement in mosques in Education City, where several U.S. universities have branches” (p. 16)
“In the past, perhaps before the global threat from the Al-Qaida organization was acute, at least one high-ranking Qatari official provided support to Al-Qaida figures residing in or transiting Qatar, including suspected September 11, 2001, attacks mastermind Khalid Shaykh Mohammad” (p. 16)
[A]ccording to U.S. officials, “entities and individuals within Qatar continue to serve as a source of financial support for terrorist and violent extremist groups, particularly regional Al Qa’ida affiliates such as the Nusrah Front” (p. 17)
 “The United States has imposed sanctions on several persons living in Qatar, including Qatari nationals, for allegedly raising funds or making donations to both Al-Qaida and the Islamic State.”  (p.17)