#اليونسكو They vote for Qatar in #UNESCO in order to conceal the deals and the suspicious funds

#اليونسكو #Qatar's Candidate Faces Elimination from #UNESCO Presidency Race. #QatatCorruptsUNESCO 

qatar got crazy and threatening to Hit its people with chemical weapons of mass destruction weapons- how it has managed to get such prohibited weapons - double face criteria policy of the countries bribed by qatari regime


"اليوم السابع" يكشف أسرار القطرى مرشح "الصهيونية" العالمية وإيران لاحتلال اليونسكو.."حمد الكوارى" مسجل بالمحفل "الماسونى" بنيويورك..لعب دورا خطيرا ضد مصر بسرقة مومياوات فرعونية..وتربط زوجته قرابة بوالدة بن لادن

 تهم جنائية تحاصر أسرة المرشح القطري لرئاسة اليونسكو


ابنة مرشح قطر لـ"يونسكو" متسببة في مقتل 19 شخصا بينهم 13 طفلا 

أحد أقارب مرشح قطر لليونسكو على قوائم العقوبات الأمريكية لصلته بالقاعدة


زاهى حواس : المرشح القطرى دمية فى يد فرنسا لتفوز باليونسكو

#اليونسكو_تدعم_قطر_الارهابيه #UNESCO_support_Qatar_terrorism #qatar_terrorism_ATM #انقذوا_اليونسكو_من_الارهاب| #UNESCO #اليونسكو #Nazism #qatar -| #save_UNESCO_from_Terrorism |#save_unesco_from_terrorists_supporter_qatar

Tamim squanders Qatari money on bribery, media

Tamim is not the first Hamadein to allocate huge sums of money to media platforms dedicated to attack UAE and Saudi Arabia, it’s a family policy, Emirati analyst Abdullah Al-Shiba wrote.
The latest example of Qatari mismanagement is the bribes given to make Doha’s candidate a winner in the election for UNESCO General-Director, a practice not dissimilar to how Qatar used money to win hosting the world cup.
It boggles the mind how cash-strapped Qatar can afford to spend these huge sums of money on bribes and negative media campaigns ----------

Anti-Qatari terror protests outside UNESCO

Activists protested, Wednesday, Qatar’s candidacy for UNESCO Director-General because of Doha’s support for terrorists.
Demonstrators called on UNESCO to terminate Qatar’s Hamad Al-Kawari’s candidacy. They condemned UNESCO for allowing a country implicated in working with terrorists to run for a position concerned with promoting arts and culture.
Despite making generous financial offers and buying representatives’ votes, Qatar is yet to win the position of UNESCO General Director after four rounds of voting.
Occupying a top position in the primary voting rounds does not guarantee a win.
Two weeks earlier, Qatar had received at least 10 UNESCO representatives and handed them gifts.
On Sunday, Doha agents convened with UNESCO representatives at a restaurant in Paris near the organization’s HQ to buy their votes. The representatives included two Arabs, one from Africa, and another from Latin America.
However, it seems that some of them played Doha for a fool because its candidate got only 19 votes out of the 30 required to win.
Qatar’s offers include holding an annual cultural forum in Paris, restoring UNESCO’s headquarters, and helping the cash-strapped organization get passed its financial problems by paying its dues.   
UNESCO is yet to respond to these allegations.


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