Why West turns blind eye on Qatar’s terrorism funding |#Boycottqatar | #مصر | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين | #خائن_العرب |#Arabs_traitor

Qatar gives Western countries money they desperately need, and in return it gets a blind eye to its actions in the Middle East, even sponsoring ISIS and other jihadists, Danni Makki, researcher specializing on Middle East security, told RT.
The Qatari royal family is planning to create a residence in the very heart of London, converting three properties in Regent’s Park into a single mega-mansion valued at over £200 million. The Al Thani family already owns some famous London landmarks like the Shard, the Olympic Park, and Harrods. While Qatar actively buys UK property and heavily invests in Britain’s economy, the appalling situation with human rights abuses in Qatar is simply ignored by London. In fact, Britain also turns a blind eye to Qatar’s links with extremist groups in the Middle East.

 West turns blind eye on Qatar’s terrorism funding 

They really want the Qataris to build that pipeline through Syria, into Europe, in order to corner the Russians. That means both need to support ISIS and Al Nusra, which are their proxy armies. Of course, the Russians do not like this, so they brought in their army, in order to corner the people trying to corner them.

 Why the West turns a blind eye to qatar funding terrorism

Qatar Is Funding International Terrorism

Qatar: Loyal ally for West, or 'Club Med for terrorists’?

The hunt for Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr al-Thani | حمد بن جاسم بن جبر آل ثاني | #qatar |#قطر |#Terrorism | #الارهاب |#Qatarism |#تنظيم_الحمدين 

كله من الوليه ام عراقيب دى واحنا مالنا بس كيد نسوان والواد ابن موزة 

ملف قطر الاسود فى دعم وتمويل الارهاب | Qatar’s History of Funding and supportin Terrorism and Extremists 


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