Fun Day with teachers and students . #EgyEducation | #EgyTeachers | الهدف من #fun_day والوسائل والمقترحات

مساعدات ومناقشات 

Friday Fun Archive

Ten Great STEM Sites for the Classroom 

Each year students eagerly wait for Fun Day so that they can spend an enjoyable afternoon of fun and excitement with their teachers playing games. Each group of students and their teacher took part in competitions, races, games and activities and had their faces painted. The highlight of the afternoon was a clown show. The clown played funny tricks on each other and did acrobatics around the sports hall floor. The students joined the clowns dancing and playing funny games. Fun Day is a great way for the teachers and students get to know each other better and share some memorable moments.

education, funday, students, teachers,التعليم, التعليم فى مصر, الخوجة,alkoga, المعلمين, اليوم الرياضى,
Fun (and Friendly) Ways to Prank Your Students

Fun Day

الهدف وطرق للتنفيذ

Fun Day with Teachers and Students

Draw Like an Egyptian

 النشاطات المدرسية ماهيتها وأهميتها ومجالاتها

Ten Great STEM Sites for the Classroom
Ten Great STEM Sites for the Classroom


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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دعاء ياقديم الإحسان